Cover Photo

Flat Out Inc


Cover Photo

Beyond Bricks & Bars: Trans Gender Diverse Decarceration

Trans-led support to trans and gender diverse people in prison, at risk of prison and on release

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Cover Photo

Beyond Bricks & Bars: Trans Gender Diverse Decarceration

Trans-led support to trans and gender diverse people in prison, at risk of prison and on release

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Cause's Cover Photo

Flat Out Inc

Flat Out is raising funds to support women, trans and gender diverse people (with/without children).

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Cause's Cover Photo

Flat Out Inc

Flat Out is raising funds to support women, trans and gender diverse people (with/without children).

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Cover Photo

Homes not Prisons

Homes Not Prisons is campaigning to stop the expansion of Dame Phyllis Frost women's prison and to build 1000 public and Aboriginal Community Controlled homes for criminalised women

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Cover Photo

Homes not Prisons

Homes Not Prisons is campaigning to stop the expansion of Dame Phyllis Frost women's prison and to build 1000 public and Aboriginal Community Controlled homes for criminalised women

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Our Mission

Flat Out is a state-wide advocacy and homelessness support service for women, trans and gender diverse people, who have had contact with the criminal justice and/or prison system in Victoria.

Contact Us

2 / 210 Lonsdale Street

Flat Out acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first peoples of Australia. We pay our respects to the Wurundjeri people of the Woi-wurrung Language Group both past and present that make up part of the Kulin Nation, as the traditional owners of the land on which Flat Out is housed. We acknowledge the Elders, families and forebears of the tribes of the Kulin Nation who were the custodians of the land which we occupy. We acknowledge that the land on which we meet was the place of age old ceremonies of celebration, initiation and renewal and that the Kulin Nation people’s living culture had and has a unique role in the life of this region. We recognise the loss and grief held by Indigenous people in Australia caused by alienation from traditional lands, the loss of lives and freedoms, and the forced removal of children. We defend the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to live according to their own beliefs, values and customs and the importance of their contribution to strengthening and enriching the heritage of all Australians. We believe that equal partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are integral to addressing the needs of communities. We believe that that ignorance, apathy, resistance and opposition still exists about reconciliation and the need to overcome Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage is great. We believe that through understanding the spiritual relationship between the land and its first peoples, we share our future and take the steps towards living equally in harmony with dignity and respect. Flat Out acknowledge the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung People, Flat Out acknowledge this is the Wurundjeri Land. Flat Out-a ngarngunj Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Gulinj, Flat Out-a ngarngunj bik mangi Wurundjer-balak-al bik-dhan. This Office is on Wurundjeri Land, Flat Out gives Respects to the Elders past and present and emerging. Mangi wilim-warr Wurundjeri-balak-al bik-dhan-dui, Flat Out –a wunga-bunj gahgook-da Nanggit baambuth ba yalingbu ba gamanity. We thank the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation for the translation of our acknowledgement & permission to use Woi-wurrung language.